26 September 2014

Biohacking the nerd

Always found the term "biohacking" a bit of a wank term. Americans wanting to sound more exciting than they are (now theres a shock!) and a better description being "I'm trying to get off my ass a bit and stop eating all the shit the whole world tells America is a terrible diet choice but I keep going fuck you ahm Amarican!!!".

But I also am aware of some stuff. SECRETS THE GOVERNMENT DOESNT WANT YOU TO KNOW. Well not exactly. But lets say I have friends that have worked for the government. Maybe wore some uniforms. Then maybe did not wear some uniforms. And then maybe did not work for the government. Did not as in the way that they could never say that they did. And then they did not work in medical stuff. Particularly not around giving people a performance boost and dealing with stressful situations. As in not dropping out of a helicopter in a country they are not in as part of a training mission and doing things that didn't happen kind of stressful.

None of this of course was told to me, but when I asked "DO YOU WORK FOR THE CIA?" they said no. So thats how I knew. Any sane rational person would have said yes and made fun of me after. I KNOW YOUR TRICKS SPIES.

But talking about medical stuff, got to asking about use of performance enhancement drugs in like the military.The TL;DR on the subject was very eloquently put "war is not an Olympic sport". Cool.

So whats all this got to do with anything?

Well in the grand scheme of life, the cosmos, and the survivability of human civilisation... probably not much at all. But for this singular human unit, carrying a couple of genetic mutations of some significance (blue eyes, white skin, plus my neurological conditions which are genetically derived - bipolar and autism) success / failure of these sorts of activities does effect in very very small degrees which possible futures for the human race.

Now I have been very quiet on my blog of late. This is because I got a new job. I did have high hopes. I dont want to talk out of school but lets just say my new boss was being a complete dick and stressing about the smallest shit that any hokey little project manages and deals with and there was no need for fucking world war three it just makes you look incompetent at management.

So anyway.70-80 hour weeks. Regularly getting to sleep at 3am. First meeting would be at 7.30am. Now when you are young the question is about your commitment and energy levels. But I'm a middle aged man, with a family. Whether I have energy or not is not the biggest problem in my life when it comes to work performance. The biggest problem is this:

"Why the fuck are you home so late? Who are these sluts your working with?"
"Actually I fucking believe you, if you were having an affair you would be home more often to at least try and make it look like you weren't"
"Your boss is being a complete dick. Whats his home life like?"
"Your children need you. I need you. And your not here. Its about choices. I know you want this job but you need to choose"
"Your losing your family"

and then finally

"Your not here. So stop pretending you are. Friday."

ah the joys. This is what real middle age work performance issues are and when you have some dickhead American saying "you just need to be more committed" on top of your 80 hours you gave him, you end up staring at him and obviously thinking "you know what, I just stopped drinking your fucking high sugar content cool-aid". Particularly when the main reason it takes 80 hours to do 30 hours work is because of his management style.

So work has been a bit you know.

Now my actual real boss (Aussie) has not been a complete dick. I'm still on probabation. He doesnt really know me, and he is a bit of a hard ass but he took the then attempt to slam my work performance with a grain of salt and wants to see for himself... hes not sure but it doesnt completely add up in his view at present.

This then triggered some mild depression (quitting a quite good job with lots of respect on the back of some major successes for this shit and "you need to prove yourself"). Spent about 2 weeks thinking how to deal with the situation. I can get quite... lateral... in these sorts of things. This is good in creative thinking but not always good in working the best way forward. I think I've mentioned earlier that whilst ethics is VERY important to me I seem to also have a high moral agility. Ethics and morality are often confused/bkurred into the same thing by many. They are not. I can't lie on a form or in a formal discussion within an organisational chain of management but I totally can ruin someones life without thinking twice and without consideration of proportionality. Asshole is the way I described this earlier I believe. This is not hypothetical "I totally could do that".

But the reality after my 2 weeks in the wilderness is that the problem wasnt my old boss. It was actually me. I have to change me.

So............ there was a newspaper article yesterday on biohacking by that American dickhead banging on about his coffee. Now what I do know from the not CIA not special forces Delta Operative League of Shadows I'm fucking Batman biomedical performance enhancement research is that coffee is actually one of best easiest to access performance enhacers for combat effectiveness. A lot of research into things like harder drugs, but they kept coming back to coffee. The trick though apparently is caffeine loading. Not just one big blast at the start of the day. You need to keep sustaining the levels in the blood stream. Like every 15 mins. Marked intelligence, altertness, focus boosts. Better, faster decisions under pressure is what keeps soldiers alive and able to achieve effective outcomes. "Officers perform better at leading and grunts fight better".

But there is one additional thing that kicks the performance up a notch. Ant-Inflammatories. Ibuprofen etc. Take some with your coffee.You want max dose. The combination kicks you into a new IQ category after a while apparently. You go all Jason Bourne / Limitless. See new and more effective options to solving problems in real time.

Now there is further to go than just these basics. Reduced carb intake, fats/proteins selection, exercise regime, more advanced off script uses of psychiatric drugs. Steroids.

My plan is to start simple. Coffee and ibuprofen. Stop smoking (im literally smoking as I type right now.. so lets see) and some light exercise in the form of getting back to using my boxing bag. This will do a number of things - click up the IQ a touch, altertness blah blah but the exercise will help manage the emotions and motivation as well.

Medical baseline at start of my experiment:

Age 41 years. Sex: Male
Medical History: Autism Spectrum Disorder (14 years age at diagnosis), Bipolar II (33 years age at diagnosis), Herpes type II (yes I had sores on my dick, fucking horrible, but hey 1/3 population has this so statistically out of all the dumb blogs you read someone had to), once broke my right wrist. Thats it.
Weight/Height: Ummm I dont keep scales, average height, not fat but have a bit of a belly. I have been a bit heavier but lost a lot doing a low carb diet for a few months, regained a bit since then.
Exercise: Walk to work 20 mins each day. Thats it.
Mental Health: self diagnosed mild depression. No suicidal thoughts.Highly irritable.

Stage 1 Bio Hack Plan:

Coffee consumption: 1 long black every hour during working day, preceded by a glass of water.
Ibuprofen: Maximum recommended dosage during working week. Nil intake on weekends.
Diet: High protein low carb, but intake some carbs in form of wheat (noodles, toast, rice, donuts...). No more than 1 meal containing carbs per day. Intent is not to lose weight, swap to no carb diet at this time.
Smoking: reduce smoking from 20 cigarettes a day to nil within 1 week.

And thats it. Once Iv'e done this for a week or so I'll probably feel like posting shit about it here, and be full of crap like how awesome this regime is how it makes me a superior person to all the sheeple out there - but dont listen to this please. All the dickheads who do these sorts of diets / things turn into assholes like that for a while. PLEASE REMEMBER ME FOR WHO I WAS.

Ok thats it for now.