10 October 2014

Biohacking Update

"It's a new day people. Destiny calls."

Biohacking Update:

  • Giving up smoking: abject failure. Have not really tried.
  • Caffeine loading: 8-10 cups of coffee a day (standard size long black) at approx. 1 hour intervals.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Ibuprofin 800mg total, 400mg@7:30am, 400mg@1:30pm - 4 days per week
  • Carb intake: reduced, but not eliminated. Ate an entire large pizza two nights ago and 3 donuts last Saturday morning. Both were magic experiences that will last with me for a lot of my life.
  • Calorie control: reduced individual meal intake to a highly scientific judgement call based on "that feels about enough" and never finishing a meal. Probably reduced portion size consumption by about 20%. Additionally meall skipping every second day, and every 3rd meal skip skipping two meals. My abs are coming back.
  • Exercise: started working out on the boxing bag. Stamina is not as good as when i was sort of seriously about this (age 27-29). I dont work out for maximum muscle development. Just to the point of going "yeah that feels good, im enjoying that". Not doing this to get buff, doing it to get smart.


I started with the caffeine loading. This did have a pronounced and noticeable impact on general IQ. As I've sort of hinted at, work is a difficult situation for me at present and need to be on my A-game to survive. With the caffeine loading my observation is that I have been able to see more options in real time and articulate better propositions, again in real time.

Diet changes haven't done much for IQ (if anything reduce it, although perhaps a little more energy longer throughout the day). Pants that used to struggle to contain my waist however have rapidly required a belt to stay on my hips. If I was trying to do this to score a date this would be promising. But I'm not, and its irrelevant to my purposes.

Exercise: will require longer for observation. My prediction is there will be a degradation in IQ short term as body adapts and then it will give consistency in brain function as will have buffers for energy and mood. There is some science that more physical activity drives larger brain development - but personally I think this science was done by people who got into college on sports scholarships. We will see.


Fuck you. Seriously. To destroy you and all your kind is exactly why I'm doing this. Ha ha ha ha I joke.....