04 January 2015

Amarr Militia Renewed Religious Fervour

Renewed Religious Fervor in Amarr Militia.

Greetings fellow souls of New Eden.

It has been a week.

With intense efforts to spread the true faith, we have seen a significant uptick in active militia war fleets and a dramatic increase in applicants to indeed even our own humble brotherhood of monks.

Also as predicted, dare I say foretold, civil war is again upon the Amarr Militia. Dirt n Glitter, the arguably devout cultists who follow a prophet of ancient holo reels that speaks to the faithful across time and space as well as the ever keen to take a stand against, well anyone, Calibrated Chaos have declared war on Biohazard.

Now for those who are unaware of Amarrian Militia politics, Biohazard are villainous scum whose only redeeming feature besides occasionally shooting some Minmatar is their deep seated hatred of Death By Design. On this we find common ground. But the Amarr flag they fly is a false one. Their history is a long one of service to the terrorist organisation known as The Republic, and indeed I for one can attest to a great many of their atrocities of their time in its service with loss of many ships and pods.

Fides. Spe. Caritas. Faith hope and love are our virtues. We practice obedience to our Empress, our religious order, and the divine mission of dispensing justice with holy laser fire on the heathen horde. We are trifled not with worldly concerns of finance or politic. The bantered term of isk efficiency is not a concept for a monk. Our only task is service of the purity of our faith, and whether we have done enough. We are here to kill you heathen. Not engage in an abstract discussion of metrics.

Forgiveness is not practiced as a virtue by the Battlemonks. "We hold a grudge like CVA does" is my most used response to assumptions that isk or some petulance disguised as diplomacy can ever make reparations for moral corruption.  "are we good now bro?" is not deigned with an answer. It is not our role to teach you to know thy enemy before embarking on a whimsical battle for "gudfites" Please don't ever think that switching sides and flying an Amarrian flag ever gave you our forgiveness. Lying to yourself is the worst sin of all, and we wish to help you understand this.

But fear not. It is all following a divine plan. A great time of cleansing is upon us once again. The militia is being purified, as always, just as the Minmatar grow stronger, They are retaking systems. Fleets increasingly are not demolished as they undock. Yes we still dominate the warzone, but it is not the complete annihilation of a vanquished once foe any longer.

I saw a matari doing a level 4 mission yesterday. Like seeing a preumed extinct species of bird flying in the skies. A sight of wonder. It made my heart leap with joy, that soon I shall be called upon once again to slay those who errantly believe in the doomed cause of rebellion against the empire. I prepare my fleet of Maledictions as I type this, and prepare my new novice monks in the art of mission runner hunting along with new tactics for eradication of the Ishtar hulled ships.

Tactical Preparations - Arzad

In anticipation of the resurgence of the Matari, our ranks are bolstered and they are being trained in skilled fleet combat. Our capabilities are still those of fresh warriors, keen but limited. But they grow.

Battlemonk Killboard

You may note some fleet engagements with equal forces in which we prevailed. This is an excellent start. As importantly we have future fleet commanders in training to draw upon not just our brotherhood, but the broader militia to lead in our defense. A lot of new members are still finding their way however, and there is still much learning to be had in the ways of both basic moving in the warzone and successful 1v1 and fleet engagements. Progress but more dedication is both needed and being pursued.


It is also a time now to consolidate our friends. Support those we trust, and demand the same in return. We renew our commitment to be true brothers to our friends in the Scorch OP coalition. Together we shall prepare for the coming days of non stop holy war with a song of joy in our hearts. Be ready brother monks and friends alike. A real war is coming. We shall be tested.

Abbe edeity, how can I help save New Eden?

The battle for the soul of new eden starts within you. First focus on your life, the choices you make. How can I improve myself to better be able to help others? is the question you must ask yourself every day.

Next you need to immediately support the war effort. Whether you are able to put your body into the fight, by joining an Amarr militia corp or supporting the efforts from afar. Religion and all crusades have always been able to offer those of wealth a means to salvation through tithes, donations and purchase of pleniary indulgences for fogiveness of sins. Generosity is rewarded in the afterlife. To this end, we have seen an increase in the giving of souls across New Eden to support this holy cause, and can only encourage others to benefit spiritually from following the example oof these great and blessed benefactors As always, please get in touch should you need recommendations where your gifts may be of most benefit to Amarr.

To join the war effort yourself, look to one of the corporations actively engaged in the militia that you believe will have a strong cultural affinity with your own spiritual and mental state. The path to sainthood through battle is a long one, and it is the community you choose that will guide you most of all on this path.

Some Recommended Corps / Alliances:

Dirt n Glitter
Calibrated Chaos
Amarrian Retribution

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